Archive for March, 2011

Thawed-out Toastmasters Table Topics

March 11, 2011

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Contribution by current VP of Public Relations

North Carolina

Your audience today has recently thawed out after being frozen for 200 years. This may explain the questionable odor 🙂 They were native to North Carolina and speak English, but are not familiar with the ways of the modern world. Please explain the topic you are given in terms someone from 1811 might be able to understand.

For some perspective, people at that time did not have electricity, but did use steam powered locomotives, cotton gins, and a coffee pot.

– Explain to this group the following items/concepts they may encounter while assimilating to the year 2011.

– What is road rage?
– What is the internet?
– Who is Britney Spears?
– What is a hot dog?
– What is cable TV?
– Who are the Carolina Hurricanes?
– What is a Play Station?
– What is a low carb diet?
– What is a cell phone?
– What does it mean when the “Tarheels are overrated”?
– Why should you join toastmasters?
– What does a shrink do?
– What is McDonalds?
– What does one do w/ a toilet?
– Why should you not call a flight attendant a maid?