Archive for January, 2011

I’m not a funny person

January 30, 2011

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Sue does not classify herself as a “funny” person, but the Toastmaster’s community begged to differ as she placed 2nd place in the Humorous Speech Contest on Oct 20, 2010.  Congratulations to Sue in a job well done representing RDU Toastmasters once again!

The VP of Public Relations asked Sue to expand on her experiences:

Sue: I’ve been a Toastmaster for 5 years and always thought of myself as a person who shared information in my speaking. My attempts at humor often fell flat and didn’t get a good response from the audience.

I was working on my ACB in the Persuasive Speaking manual when I had to do a speech to entertain people. I saved this project for last since “I am not a funny or entertaining person”. When I gave this speech – people laughed!! I had achieved my goal of entertaining the audience but I also got encouragement from the club to give this speech in a contest.

Fast forward a few months and it’s time for our club  Humorous Speech contest. One of our most entertaining members had entered the contest but there were no other contestants. A couple days before the contest, I decided to enter and promote the spirit of the contest. I was pleased that it went so well but was surprised that I WON!!!

I went on to win the Area contest and competed at the Division level, which is an experience that every Toastmaster should strive for! Growth in speaking can only come from trying new things and practicing. The support of Toastmasters makes it easier.