Friends of JeannieC


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Contribution by current club President:

Our last meeting of July was bittersweet.

We had a joyous occasion as we inducted our new slate of officers for the 2010-2011 year.  The ceremony was conducted by Area Governor Matt Barclay who thanked the officers for volunteering to take this charge and called upon the whole club to support the officers in their new roles.

But it was also the last day in our club for Jeannie C. who has taken a new position in another part of Raleigh making it impossible for her to make our meetings anymore.  To say that Jeannie will be missed is an understatement.  From her icebreaker speech relating her journey from Taiwan to the United States to her last speech from the advanced manual on accepting her award as Advanced Communicator, Jeannie has raised the bar for all of us.

With her small frame and soft manner of speaking, Jeannie has brought so much power and emotion to our club through every one of her speeches.  Let’s face it, when you get a bunch of accountants and engineers together speeches can get a bit dry, but Jeannie made it OK to show emotion, bringing us to tears and laughter in many occasions.

Jeannie is the friendly face I look for in the audience, Jeannie is the person I try to imitate when bringing emotion to my speeches, Jeannie is the soft and eloquent reminder that speaking excellence is just within our grasp.

Farewell friend and come back visit when you can!

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